
  • Translation & Localization

    I offer professional translation services from English to French and can guarantee an accurate, fluid and faithful translation of your original texts.

  • Subtitling & Transcription

    I also provide accurate, fast and reliable subtitles, subtitle translation or transcription of all types of video.

  • Editing & Proofreading

    I can revise your texts to check its accuracy, correct any translation mistakes and possible typos and improve its syntax and vocabulary if needed.

Previous work

Here are some projects I have previously worked on to give you an idea of what I can handle.
Feel free to contact me if you want more details.


  • Courses for online learning platforms
  • Product pages and marketing material for a furniture company
  • User manuals for home appliances and hardware
  • Presskits and interviews for a small online art exhibition
  • Brochures for a public health NGO
  • Volunteer work for Translators without Borders and UN Volunteers
  • Volunteer localization work on Lokaliz, Crowdin and for several indie games

Subtitling & Transcription

  • Subtitles translation of company training courses
  • Subtitles and transcripts of interviews, programs and small podcasts for a local TV/radio broadcaster
  • Fansubs translation and timecoding for several weekly korean variety TV shows

Editing & Proofreading

  • MTPE of news articles, websites, product listings, instruction manuals and more
  • Proofreading for indie tabletop RPGs
  • Reviewed product pages and website text and for e-commerce websites
  • Editing and proofreading of rules and text for a boardgame

More info

How do I work? What can you expect?
Here's some answers

My main areas of expertise are Education, Games and IT but I also have experience in the fields of Tourism and Culture.

I mostly work with SDL Trados, memoQ or Memsource/Phrase TMS for translation work and SubtitleEdit for subtitling but I am always willing to take the time to learn and quickly adapt to other tools and systems.

  • I strictly respect any agreed upon deadlines
  • I follow instructions and make sure everything is clear before starting
  • I stay in touch and regularly communicate on the state of the work
  • I continue work until complete satisfaction of my client
  • I don't accept jobs I am unable to do well

About Me

I am a French native, currently living near Strasbourg, France. I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English Language, Literature and Civilisation with a heavy focus on Linguistics and I am now working as a freelance translator.

I started doing translation work in 2017 during my studies as a way to get some practice and experience while completing my degree. It began with volunteer work for Translators without Borders and UN Volunteers as well as working on fansubs and various content translation in multiple online communities. After a couple of years, I began working freelance on small projects while preparing to become an English Teacher.

I am now pursuing freelance work fulltime so I can take on more work and on a larger scale than ever before. So feel free to contact me for any project you have lined up, I'm always interested!